Tuesday, January 19, 2016

In Flight

Well, I am officially under way to Italy.  We just hit 3000 ft on my flight to Frankfurt after an hour delay in Chicago.  Apparently the minor repair that they were doing on the plane was delayed because they opened the hanger doors and froze the fire suppression system in the building.  They had to evacuate until they figured out what was wrong.  Considering it was only 5 degrees in Chicago, it’s certainly understandable. 

Surprisingly, neither mom nor I had a complete breakdown in the airport.  There were some watery eyes, but no full on crying (although I don’t know what mom did after I went through security). I’m sure I’ll have a breakdown or two in the first weeks, but hopefully I’ll be so busy that I’ll forget to have one! 

I don’t know if everyone knows this, but this is actually my first time on a plane, let alone leaving the country on one.  It was relatively stressless, although I almost had to check my backpack on the first flight because the flight was overbooked and the overheads were filling up fast.  I made it by three people.  I also had this lovely delay in Chicago which means that I had to change my connection in Frankfurt and will be late for the bus once I get to Rome.  We are supposed to be there before noon, and I had been set to be there at 9 am, but now my flight won’t land until 1210.  Not a big deal, but let’s just hope my baggage stays with me!

My current flight is actually really nice.  I have the entire row to myself and I’m sitting on the wing.  It’s a little noisy, but I got to watch take off which I missed the first time.  I love the view of the city, but I definitely would prefer the aisle if the row was full.  The view is fleeting, but the comfort of stretching out lasts the whole flight!

 I’m hoping to get some sleep on this leg, especially since I’ll be getting into Rome with half the day to still go and my body will be telling me that it’s 3am! If I were a normal college student that wouldn’t be a problem, but I really like sleeping.  I’m that student that chooses sleeping and good grades over having a social life! It’s working out so far, but I’ve got like three friends.  Oh well.

I’ll try to post again tomorrow after I get to Italy.  And then take the bus to Arezzo.  And then make it to my host family’s house.  And unpack.  But I’ll try!!!

UPDATE, since the wifi isn’t cooperating.  Dinner wasn’t horrible.  They had some really good quinoa, although the chicken was pretty gross.  I also just got Green Tea Gelato, which is kind of cool. Oh, and the horizon looks like rainbow, which is definitely cool.  

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