Monday, January 25, 2016

Live and Learn

Living with the Bruschi’s is going really well.  I went out with the sisters, Federica and Francesca, on Friday night to walk around the town and ended up running into some of the other OUA girls.  We went to a bar called My Way, which wasn’t exactly fabulous, but it had karaoke that we Americans kind of took over.  We scared the Italians off with a slightly overzealous rendition of Don’t Stop Believing, but it was fun.  Stefania and Domenico, the parents, are really great too.  Stefania is constantly trying to feed me.  On Saturday night, we had bruschetta, a quiche, and some beef that was covered with a tuna sauce that I was not a fan of.  Since I didn’t eat the meat, Stefania made me more bruschetta and then went down to the pastry shop to get some pastries to feed me.  Honestly, I was fine with the quiche and bruschetta! And last night she fed me two separate desserts and then tried to give me a third one!

Don’t get me wrong, the food is fantastic, but I just don’t eat that much (not any more at least)! And on top of that, the Italian eating timetable is much later.  They don’t eat lunch until about 2 and their dinner is around 830 if not later.  My whole schedule is all screwy right now! Thankfully, we’re getting our work schedules this week, so hopefully that will help.

View from the top of the hill down the Corso Italia

Classes finally started today!  I had my Italian and Italy through Italian Film classes.  The Italian class wasn’t bad, just like any other first day of a language class.  We went over some basic phrases and how to pronounce the vowels and some of the consonants that are different from English pronunciation.  My Film class, on the other hand, took forever.  It’s from 4 to 7 pm and we were all half asleep.  All we did was talk about Italian history, which isn’t exactly super boring, but the professor has a very thick accent to she was hard to understand.  Not to mention, the room we were in had terrible acoustics, so that made it even worse. 

On the bright side, we went back to this fantastic place for lunch called La Tua Piadina. They’re fast, cheap, and pretty healthy as well, which is definitely needed here.  Between classes, we got gelato and a coffee.  Well, I something that was supposed to resemble cioccolata calda (hot chocolate) but was more like hot pudding.  It tasted fine, but I would have had to spoon it out of the cup and that was just way to much work in the short amount of time that we had.  The cioccolata calda that Mamma Stefania makes me is much better. 

Tomorrow I have my Everyday Evolution class.  I may end up dropping Italian film and picking up the Contemporary Environmental Challenges classes. Lots of kids are in the film class, but I just don’t like sitting there for three straight hours.  My attention span isn’t that long, even after three years of lifeguarding!  At least I could potentially apply the environmental challenges class to my everyday life. 

Anyway, I’ll let y’all know how tomorrow goes! I may go shopping in the morning since everything is on sale right now.  And I can’t go between classes because of the afternoon siesta (everything closes 1-4). 

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