Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Little Things

You know, I really haven’t been homesick during my time in Italy.  I was more homesick moving the thirty minutes to Norman to live on campus my freshman year than I am here in Italy, over five thousand miles away! However, as we’re nearing the end of the semester, it’s the little things in life that I’m missing.  Those things you don’t really think about when you’re at home but become glaringly obvious once you’re in a different country. 

There’s a stomach bug going through our ranks at the moment that made us notice one thing that we definitely take for granted: late night shopping.  Back home, when you get sick late at night and need some medicine and a sprite or Gatorade, you know that there is a 7/11 or Walmart that you can drive to and get exactly what you need.  Here in Italy, you just kinda wander around and hope that you’ll find somewhere that is open so you can get a sprite for your friend who can’t stop throwing up.  Yeah, I know it’s a little gross, but it really is something that you don’t think about missing. 

Another thing, especially for the animal lovers, is being able to go up and pet a stranger’s dog.    In the states, if someone is walking their dog down the street, their practically asking for someone to come up and pet the dog!  There are so many dogs walking around here in Italy that asking to pet them isn’t really a thing.  Dogs are allowed in pretty much every shop and restaurant throughout Italy, which makes it really hard for an animal lover like me.  Especially when you see a really fluffy German shepherd who is just begging you to rub his ears.  It really is a struggle.

One of the things I really miss is just curling up on the couch in the evenings to watch television.  I know, it sounds horrible.  I’m in Italy, why do I want to just sit on the couch and watch television?!  It’s mostly on those days that I’ve been running all week and just want a little time to relax and unwind.  I miss curling up on the couch and watch some television with some company.  We have a tv room at the monastery here, but it’s just not the same.  They tried, but it’s not exactly a lounging room.  The couches are too hard and then there are these really awkward bean bag type things that you sit against more than you sit on. 

Even with all of these little things, there’s one thing that I really miss: hugs.  I know, it’s cheesy, but I really do miss them.  The Italian version of a hug is the cheek kissing thing, which just isn’t the same.  Sometimes you just need that big bear hug from someone.  It’s relaxing, especially after some of these really long days that we’ve had while we’re here. 

Alright, that’s all I have to say.  Only a month and a half until I go back to the states and I have mixed feelings about it.  

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